As an integrative psychotherapist, I believe strongly in an existential-analytic approach to emotional suffering. My training and clinical experience suggest to me that the 'symptoms' clients enter therapy for help with are meaningfully connected with deeper existential anxieties. Fundamental human concerns around which you—consciously or otherwise—are sensitive, and have developed defences against that now, sadly, have become their own source of suffering. The hope in therapy is to begin forming a curious and self-compassionate attitude toward your own suffering, in partnership with me, the therapist. So that together, we can come to explore the possible meaning and function of your symptoms. With growing understanding and resilience, a path then opens for the client to free themselves up for other less painful, and more authentic ways to emotionally respond to life's deepest concerns.
I run my private practice from a spacious, sound-proofed, heated and air-conditioned log cabin outside of my home, which is around five minutes away from Frensham Little Pond. Please take a look at the photos included to see if the location appeals to you.
I have been supporting the emotional wellbeing of people with varied needs for the past seven years, and have been practicing existential-analytic psychotherapy specifically for the past three years. Throughout this period, my clients have included children and adults with learning difficulties; neurotypical adolescents, college and university students; as well as older adult psychiatric inpatients. Detailed information about my employment history can be found in my LinkedIn profile (
Across these diverse experiences, my clients have taught me the importance of the concept of 'sonder', which informs my private practice: Sonder Psychotherapy Surrey. Sonder describes the fundamental existential truth that despite how it may appear from the outside, each and every one of us inhabits an infinitely rich, unique, and complex life. One that blends an inner personal world, with a shared external world. As a client, it is a special act of trust and generosity to allow someone else into that world. And as a therapist, it is my duty to respond to this act with respect and care, sharing the insights and experiences from my own world to help you in yours.
I hope that over the course of our therapeutic relationship we never forget this lesson of sonder.