My therapeutic practice is rooted in Psychodynamic theory, and I believe that therapy is, above all, an act of listening. Through my listening to you in a way which you may not have experienced before, you may become able to listen to yourself in a different, and possibly more authentic, manner. I am a registered member of the BACP and abide by their code of ethics.
You may have a very specific issue or issues to bring to therapy; or you may not know precisely why you want to come, but just feel that it might help you. In both cases, I will try to listen to you in a way which will frame our conversation to enable you to reach a deeper level of understanding about yourself, your patterns in life and any unconscious forces which might be present in your life. The therapeutic space is for you to fill, and I will not offer you advice or give you my opinion: what I will do is highlight some of what you say, and see where that takes us.
I aim to provide a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space in which you can consider any material you choose to bring, and this can be undertaken in short-term or open-ended therapy, both in-person and online.
Therapy does not work to a template, there is no method or recipe. Two people sit in a room together and talk: what happens next is why we are there.